january 2019
walnut bench
since its inception, cole & sons has focused on one of a kind quality. we strive to create products you can’t find anywhere else and are tailor made to your personal needs by combining old world rustic quality with sleek modern style.
january 2019
cherry bench
cole and sons inc
custom furniture design and fabrication
good design brings continuity, function, and beauty to a living or working space. whether it’s a 1000-square-foot loft or a rambling country estate, a typical project includes a design service, sketches and or technical drawings, and finally, a build. we strive to keep our clients involved from start to finish and make them as much a part of the build as possible.
first and foremost welcome to the site. cole & sons inc. designs and builds custom furniture, monument, and art pieces using concrete, wood, stone, metal and glass. take a look throughout the site and keep in mind that these are only examples of what has been built in the past. we strive to create new and exciting pieces that fit your personal need while using traditional joinery. this means no screws, nails or modern mechanical fasteners, but custom fitted joinery such as mortise and tenon and dovetails that provide a not only aesthically pleasing joint, but a longer lasting and stronger one as well.
MARCH 12-13 2022
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